SECTION 9.1 - Unlawful to Violate County Health Regulations
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any lawfully adopted rule or regulation of the Iredell County Board of Health, or regulations of the Division of Health Services, North Carolina Department of Human Resources. The enforcement of these laws shall be the responsibility of the County Health Officer.
SECTION 9.2 - Unlawful to Hinder Health Officer or Assistants
It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder, obstruct or delay the County Health Officer or any of his assistants in the lawful discharge of their duties.
SECTION 9.3 - Removal of Nuisances
The owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any building or premises where there shall be a nuisance or any violation of any ordinance relating to health and sanitation shall be jointly and severally liable therefore and each of them may be required to abate the same or comply with the order of the appropriate enforcement official within the time specified within the order.
SECTION 9.4 - Offensive Matter on Premises Prohibited
No owner or occupant of any premises shall suffer to remain on premises owned or occupied by him any decayed animal or vegetable matter, or any other thing which may be offensive to, or injurious to the health of, persons in the vicinity; nor shall any person place or throw such offensive matter upon any street or alley or upon the premises of another person.
SECTION 9.5 - Septic Tanks Regulation
SECTION 9.20 - Uncontrolled Growths of Weeds and Accumulation of Refuse Declared a Safety Issue or Public Nuisance
The existence of any of the following conditions on any vacant lot or other parcel of land within the corporate limits is hereby declared to be dangerous and prejudicial to the public health or safety or detrimental to the economic well-being of the community, and therefore constitutes a public nuisance:
The uncontrolled growth of noxious weeds or grass to a height of 6 inches or more on developed lots or 12 inches or more on undeveloped lots.
Any accumulation of animal or vegetable matter that is offensive by virtue of odors or vapors or by the inhabitance therein of rats, mice, snakes or vermin of any kind which is or may be dangerous or prejudicial to the public health.
Any accumulation of rubbish, trash or junk causing or threatening to cause the accumulation of stagnant water, or causing or threatening to cause the inhabitation therein of rats, mice, snakes or vermin of any kind.
Any property condition causing or threatening to cause an endangerment to the public safety.
Any condition detrimental to the public health which violates the rules and regulations of the County Health Department
SECTION 9.21 - Complaint and Investigation
The City Clerk, upon notice from any person of the existence of any of the conditions described in Section 9.20, shall cause to be made by the appropriate County Health Department official, or Town Official, such investigation as may be necessary to determine whether, in fact such conditions exist to constitute a public nuisance as declared in Section 9.20.
SECTION 9.22 - Notice to Abate Nuisance
The Town inspector or his agent or assistant shall give notice in writing to the person owning, residing on or having charge or control of the premises that such conditions do exist and do constitute a public nuisance as declared in Section 9.20 and they shall have ten days from date of notice to correct the conditions. Such notice shall be served upon the person to whom it is directed by personal service if such person is a resident of the Town. If the owner of the property is not a resident of the Town and no person resides on the property nor has charge or control of the premises or vacant lot, the notice shall be served by posting a copy on the property.
SECTION 9.23 - Failure of Owner or Tenant or Person in Charge or Control to Comply With Notice
Any person who owns, rents or has charge or control of any premises or vacant lot in the Town and who, after having received notice as provided in section 9.22 to correct a public nuisance condition as listed in the written complaint fails to do so within ten days after notice shall be guilty of a public nuisance condition.
If after the expiration of such ten days, the public nuisance condition has not been abated, the Town may abate the public nuisance at the expense of the owner, tenant, or other person having charge or control and make a reasonable charge, which charge shall be a lien on the lot or parcel of land, to be collected as other debts are collected, or liens enforced.
SECTION 9.1 - Unlawful to Violate County Health Regulations
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any lawfully adopted rule or regulation of the Iredell County Board of Health, or regulations of the Division of Health Services, North Carolina Department of Human Resources. The enforcement of these laws shall be the responsibility of the County Health Officer.
SECTION 9.2 - Unlawful to Hinder Health Officer or Assistants
It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder, obstruct or delay the County Health Officer or any of his assistants in the lawful discharge of their duties.
SECTION 9.3 - Removal of Nuisances
The owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any building or premises where there shall be a nuisance or any violation of any ordinance relating to health and sanitation shall be jointly and severally liable therefore and each of them may be required to abate the same or comply with the order of the appropriate enforcement official within the time specified within the order.
SECTION 9.4 - Offensive Matter on Premises Prohibited
No owner or occupant of any premises shall suffer to remain on premises owned or occupied by him any decayed animal or vegetable matter, or any other thing which may be offensive to, or injurious to the health of, persons in the vicinity; nor shall any person place or throw such offensive matter upon any street or alley or upon the premises of another person.
SECTION 9.5 - Septic Tanks Regulation
- No citizen will be able to repair septic tanks or lines coming from bathrooms or kitchens if sewer tap is available.
- All homes or businesses must hook-up to sewer unless home or business building is over 200 feet from main sewer line or sewer line is not available to home or business. In these cases septic tank is allowed to be repaired.
SECTION 9.20 - Uncontrolled Growths of Weeds and Accumulation of Refuse Declared a Safety Issue or Public Nuisance
The existence of any of the following conditions on any vacant lot or other parcel of land within the corporate limits is hereby declared to be dangerous and prejudicial to the public health or safety or detrimental to the economic well-being of the community, and therefore constitutes a public nuisance:
The uncontrolled growth of noxious weeds or grass to a height of 6 inches or more on developed lots or 12 inches or more on undeveloped lots.
Any accumulation of animal or vegetable matter that is offensive by virtue of odors or vapors or by the inhabitance therein of rats, mice, snakes or vermin of any kind which is or may be dangerous or prejudicial to the public health.
Any accumulation of rubbish, trash or junk causing or threatening to cause the accumulation of stagnant water, or causing or threatening to cause the inhabitation therein of rats, mice, snakes or vermin of any kind.
Any property condition causing or threatening to cause an endangerment to the public safety.
Any condition detrimental to the public health which violates the rules and regulations of the County Health Department
SECTION 9.21 - Complaint and Investigation
The City Clerk, upon notice from any person of the existence of any of the conditions described in Section 9.20, shall cause to be made by the appropriate County Health Department official, or Town Official, such investigation as may be necessary to determine whether, in fact such conditions exist to constitute a public nuisance as declared in Section 9.20.
SECTION 9.22 - Notice to Abate Nuisance
The Town inspector or his agent or assistant shall give notice in writing to the person owning, residing on or having charge or control of the premises that such conditions do exist and do constitute a public nuisance as declared in Section 9.20 and they shall have ten days from date of notice to correct the conditions. Such notice shall be served upon the person to whom it is directed by personal service if such person is a resident of the Town. If the owner of the property is not a resident of the Town and no person resides on the property nor has charge or control of the premises or vacant lot, the notice shall be served by posting a copy on the property.
SECTION 9.23 - Failure of Owner or Tenant or Person in Charge or Control to Comply With Notice
Any person who owns, rents or has charge or control of any premises or vacant lot in the Town and who, after having received notice as provided in section 9.22 to correct a public nuisance condition as listed in the written complaint fails to do so within ten days after notice shall be guilty of a public nuisance condition.
If after the expiration of such ten days, the public nuisance condition has not been abated, the Town may abate the public nuisance at the expense of the owner, tenant, or other person having charge or control and make a reasonable charge, which charge shall be a lien on the lot or parcel of land, to be collected as other debts are collected, or liens enforced.
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