SECTION 12.1 -Tax Collector
Iredell County Tax Collection Department shall diligently collect taxes due the Town as required by the charter, ordinances, and laws of the state and make due reports of same and perform such other duties as Tax Collector as required by the charter, ordinances, or the laws of the state and perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Town Council.
SECTION 12.2 - Ad Valorem Tax Determined Each Year
The ad valorem tax for the Town shall be determined by the Town Council each year. Such tax rate shall not exceed that prescribed by the North Carolina General Statutes.
SECTION 12.1 -Tax Collector
Iredell County Tax Collection Department shall diligently collect taxes due the Town as required by the charter, ordinances, and laws of the state and make due reports of same and perform such other duties as Tax Collector as required by the charter, ordinances, or the laws of the state and perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Town Council.
SECTION 12.2 - Ad Valorem Tax Determined Each Year
The ad valorem tax for the Town shall be determined by the Town Council each year. Such tax rate shall not exceed that prescribed by the North Carolina General Statutes.
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